Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Our Chosen Instrument - #13 - Renee Willoughby

Renee Willoughby is constantly trying to understand
how to be a human being. 

and is currently obtaining her MA in Digital Theatre at Wimbledon College of Art.

"I marvel at how easy it is for some to breathe, 
when I yearn for oxygen. 
For space. 
Dreams pass like windows on a train
and I am content with that state of being. 

In dreams, in screens, there is no disappointment 
because you create your own inward reality. 
Contending with internal versus external forces
is what I am trying to investigate.

In the 21st century, we in some ways
exclusively exist in this digital world, 
our platform to perform.

It has replaced the our need for community through social media.

I want my work to be a vessel
to discuss the affects of this paradigm we live in.
Manipulating multimedia to provoke such reflections."

Renee's blog, as part of her MA in Digital Theatre, can be found here

Anselm Kiefer, Suzanne Lacy and Kazou Ohno as her inspirations. 

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